Saturday 18 May 2013

More ElectroTrains now available in the AppStore

The sequel to ElectroTrains - "More ElectroTrains" is now available in the AppStore. It has 6 new maps, some new graphical effects and now fills the screen properly on the iPad and new 4 inch iPhone and iPod touch. It also looks great on the retina iPad.

I made a new track editor and a set of track parts modelled on my son's toy train track, which makes it much easier to make new maps, and to draw them so they look good on screen. There's a bit more geometry involved in designing parts of a toy railway than you might expect - unless you get the radius and lengths of the curves and straights perfect you end up with something where the two ends of your track won't meet up!

I might make the track editor available in a future update, if I can figure out how to easily let people swap maps.

The original ElectroTrains has been downloaded almost half a million times (sadly for my wallet, most of these when it was available for free), with lots of nice reviews from around the world and a lot of very regular players on GameCenter. I hope lots of people download the sequel too - it's a bit more polished and closer to my original vision.

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